
Be quick to uninstall Quicktime

Be quick to uninstall Quicktime

If you currently have Quicktime installed on your Windows PC…you need to uninstall it now…here’s why. Once upon a time you needed to have Apple Quicktime installed on your PC in order to use iTunes, however that’s not longer the case…but that’s not why it needs to go. Trend Micro reports that the discovery of security vulnerabilities within Quicktime that[Read More…]

Making the most of Tablet Devices with your Kids

Making the most of Tablet Devices with your Kids

Research released by Telstra earlier this year revealed something that may come as no surprise.  More and more households now have at least one tablet device or are considering purchasing one with education in mind. What exactly is the role of Tablet devices in education and at home when it comes to preparing children for the future.   Recently I spoke[Read More…]

Fetch! App can identify your dog

Fetch! App can identify your dog

  Dog’s can’t talk so there’s only so much they can tell you about themselves but lucky…..yes there’s an App for that. For Apple devices Microsoft has just launched the “Fetch!” App.   Take a photo of your dog on your iphone and ‘Fetch’ will use it’s artificial intelligence to identify the breed of the dog. Ok so you may already[Read More…]

How to Prevent Mobile Distractions while Driving

How to Prevent Mobile Distractions while Driving

Mobile phones and cars can be a lethal mix, but an Australian company has come up with a great solution to prevent drivers from being distracted by their devices while behind the wheel. It’s called DISTRACTLESS, a small device that acts as an immobilizer for your phone so when the car is running the devices is blocked from sending or[Read More…]

Safer web search with Kiddle

Safer web search with Kiddle

  Internet search engines and kids can be a dangerous mix, especially if there’s no safe filtering in place but here’s a new search engine you can try out to avoid awkward and inappropriate search results. It’s called Kiddle.  Based on Google search,  it’s basically a search engine that is designed to favour websites that are made for children. Typing[Read More…]