
Sunbeam survey - Swap your power tools for a cake mixer guys

Sunbeam survey – Swap your power tools for a cake mixer guys

Want to keep your wife/girlfriend happy?  Throw away the power tools and get busy with the cake mixer. According the results of a new scientific study by home appliance brand Sunbeam, women are happier watching their guy in the Kitchen than doing the usual ‘bloke’ chores around the house. The experiement  monitored 20 real life Australian couples as the male partners performed a[Read More…]

Time to spring clean your PC

Time to spring clean your PC

It’s September 1…that that means it’s time to spring clean…which includes your computer. A good place to start is your desktop…is it cluttered with saved files, photos, shortcuts to websites or programs or documents that you were too lazy to file away properly?  It will only take a few minutes to carefully look at each item then decide what to[Read More…]

Is my Smart TV safe online?

Is my Smart TV safe online?

TVs, home security cameras even refrigerators…so many of appliances around the home are now connected to the internet but are these smart devices safe online? Trend Micro Australia says that the devices you really need to protect online are those that store personal information.  I spoke to Tim Falinski from Trend Micro Australia about the Smartification of our homes and[Read More…]

Wireless storage for your Tablet or Smartphone

Wireless storage for your Tablet or Smartphone

It doesn’t take much to fill the internal storage on your mobile device to capacity and it you don’t have the option of adding more storage you may find yourself a bit stack for space…but here’s a handy solution. Kingston’s MobileLite Wireless media reader is a compact solution that easily adds additional storage space to your device…or even just as[Read More…]

Eyeing off a MemoPad for Father’s day

Eyeing off a MemoPad for Father’s day

When it comes to tablet devices, personally I’m a big fan of the 7inch devices.   They’re light, can be held in one hand and just big enough to watch a movie on comfortably. One of the latest that your dad probably wouldn’t turn his nose up at for Father’s day is the Asus Memo Pad 7.   Nicely priced at under[Read More…]