
USB Power at the nearest powerpoint

USB Power at the nearest powerpoint

Looking around for a place to charge your tablet device or mobile phone?  Here’s a handy solution at home that brings device charging as close at the nearest power point. Electrical Manufacturer Legrand has brought the standard power point into the 21st century by launching a model that has dual USB charging ports. While it does require installation by a[Read More…]

What Australians are doing online

What Australians are doing online

Usage of online social media services like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are big in Australia however new research shows that they don’t rule our time online. A survey by internet service provider Belong sound that people actually spend just as much time online paying bills or researching products as they do on sites like Facebook. The research also revealed that[Read More…]

Digital UltraViolet officially launches in Australia

Digital UltraViolet officially launches in Australia

Digital UltraViolet has officially launched in Australia…but what exactly is it? Well, the last time you purchased a movie on DVD or Blu-ray disc you may have noticed that it came with a code for something called Digital Ultraviolet. Basically this is a cloud-based system that will allow you to watch your favourite movie on your TV…or stream or download it to[Read More…]

Robots and Smart T-Shirts from Intel

Chances are you own a PC, Mac or even a mobile device with an ‘Intel inside’…but the chip maker isn’t content to just power the brains of your computing devices. Looking to inspire interest in the company last week Intel showed off two very different products…a 60cm tall robot and the latest in wearable technology, a smart T-Shirt. The Robot’s[Read More…]

The gadget that scores your driving

The gadget that scores your driving

You may think you’re a great driver, but how would you feel about having a small device implanted in your car that’s designed to find out the truth about your driving ability? The Insurance Box does exactly that.  This tiny box connects to your car and uses telematics along with GPS and mobile data technology to gather data on how[Read More…]