
Video Conferencing Etiquette 101

For some quick entertainment, Google “Zoom meeting fail” and along with a good laugh you’ll get some great tips on what NOT to do during an online video meeting. (also see below) However here are few of the things you should do. Start by making sure you’ve tested your microphone and camera before the meeting starts, Be on time, Mute[Read More…]

The best ISP for Netflix?

The best ISP for Netflix?

Video streaming services are under additional pressure right now but how is your home internet service coping? If it’s struggling to give you a consistent viewing experience you may need to talk to your internet service provider about the plan you’re on…but it’s also interesting to note that Netflix does actually publish of the best internet service providers based on[Read More…]

Handy Tech for During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chances are you’re hold up at home right now but how can you make the best of this isolating experience?  Well there’s plenty of Tech to help.  The key point here is the ability to stay connected with others virtually when you can’t do it physically. Broadband. Right now, having good, fast, reliable internet is more important than ever.   Internet[Read More…]

Paid Gadget Testing

Paid Gadget Testing

You can get paid to test out the latest software, gadgets, websites and apps and you don’t have to be a tech genius to do it. Here’s how.

Help. My Laptop is Running Slow!

Help. My Laptop is Running Slow!

Your Laptop device is suddenly running much slower then expected but you can’t work out why.   That’s the issue facing Ben right now, so he emailed in to ask about how to fix it. Ok, so while this issue can be tricky to diagnose without having the actual device to look at but before you take it in for a[Read More…]