
New iPhone 6S is good for 2nd hand mobile sales

New iPhone 6S is good for 2nd hand mobile sales

If you pick up the newly released iPhone 6S last week but are on the lookout for a new smartphone then you may find that the rush for Apple’s latest is a great opportunity. How?  Well around the time of any major mobile handset release many people are prepared to sell off their old phone to help fund their latest acquisition[Read More…]

Moving your Windows PC to a new machine

Moving your Windows PC to a new machine

With the recent release of Windows 10 you may find yourself considering a new computer.  That’s great, but the part that’s not so great is moving all of your files and programs over from your old computer.  It’s process that can take you the best part of a day…maybe longer if you have all of the installation disks…but there is[Read More…]

Erase a hard drive - securely

Erase a hard drive – securely

If you’ve just bought a new computer, selling off your old can be a good way to recoup some of the cost, but before you hand over your old system to a buyer, you need to wipe all your personal information from it. Simply reinstalling the operating system isn’t enough as technically speaking your old data is only hidden and[Read More…]

Hands-free Dad for Father’s Day

Hands-free Dad for Father’s Day

With Father’s Day fast approaching here’s another great gadget tip for your Dad that will also keep him out of trouble. The MiniKit Neo 2 HD is a bluetooth accessory for your iOS or Android phone that’s completely hands free…it even uses the vibration of the car to power up. Connecting via an app on your phone you can set[Read More…]

Can my personal details be stolen from any website?

Can my personal details be stolen from any website?

With the leaking of sensitive data (personal and financial) from an adult dating website this week, many people are now asking if their personal information help on other websites is safe. It’s a good, valid question. So how do you protect your privacy online in light of current events? Here’s a few tips. Signing up / Subscribing to websites Only[Read More…]