
LED, OLED, Ultra HD, 4K? TV Technology explained

LED, OLED, Ultra HD, 4K? TV Technology explained

When was the last time you looked in to buying a new TV?  If it’s been a few years then you might be in for a shock when you hit the stores and see what’s available these days.   Not only will you need to decide ‘how big’ but what about the screen technology that’s available.  Is LED ok?  What is[Read More…]

Windows 10 - Reserve your free copy now

Windows 10 – Reserve your free copy now

Microsoft is so keen to upgrade people to the next version of Windows 10 that they are giving it away! Recently Microsoft announced that Windows 10 will be available as a free upgrade when it launches on July 29 for people who are already have Windows 7 or 8.1 installed….that pretty much means that hundreds of millions of people around the[Read More…]

Seeking out Tech Support

Seeking out Tech Support

Computer problems can be frustrating, especially when they prevent you doing what you need to, however to quickly resolve some issues you may not even need to pick up the phone to get help. If you’re having problems with your Windows PC at you can chat to a suport agent online and even have them connect to your PC[Read More…]

Stop Video autoplay in Facebook

Stop Video autoplay in Facebook

Videos that automatically play as you scroll through your Facebook news feed…it’s a pet hate of many Facebook users but you can switch it off. For Mac and PC users on the Facebook website simply click on the down arrow next to the padlock icon at the top right of the screen…select settings then videos and you’ll see the option[Read More…]

Mobilegeddon - Is your website mobile friendly?

Mobilegeddon – Is your website mobile friendly?

If your business has a website that can be displayed easily on mobile devices, you may be about to experience “Mobilegeddon” and it’s all thanks to changing online habits…and Google. With just over half of all web searches now performed though mobile devices Google has recently changed the way they rank sites to appear in their searches…pushing sites that are not[Read More…]