
Which Tablet device for kids?

Which Tablet device for kids?

Last week I received an email from Peter who wanted to know which tablet device would be the best value for his primary school aged kids. There’s a few ways you could approach this.  One is to just spend as little as possible just in case something gets broken.  If this is how you feel then you’ll find quite a[Read More…]

PayPal offers up some mobile shopping tips

PayPal offers up some mobile shopping tips

New research from PayPal has revealed that Australians spend more time preparing for Christmas than celebrating the actual day…but perhaps it could be made easier by getting smart with out smartphones.   Late last week I spoke with Adrian Christie from PayPal Australia about mobile shopping trends around Christmas time and how we could use some of our smartphone time better.[Read More…]

When you don't have $1000 for a Smartphone

When you don’t have $1000 for a Smartphone

Got a spare thousand dollars lying around to buy the latest smartphone or tablet? That’s ok, because there’s plenty on the market for the budget conscious. In smartphones the Huawei Ascend G630 android device with a 5 inch screen that costs around 180 dollars…but if you’re after 4G network connectivity for just over 200 dollars Kogan’s Agora Smartphone is another[Read More…]

Are you still paying for Mobile Text Messages?

Are you still paying for Mobile Text Messages?

If your mobile phone plan doesn’t include unlimited text messaging it’s worth checking out some free alternatives to traditional mobile SMS. For iPhone users free messaging between other iOS devices users is built in with iMessage, but you don’t have to miss out just because you have a windows or android device…simply download a free app called “WhatsApp”. This App[Read More…]

Tracking energy use at home

Tracking energy use at home

If you’re keen to keep your electricity bill down then you really need to understand exactly how much you’re using and when, and it’s a task that’s made very easy for most households that have a smart meter. Depending on the type of smart meter that has been installed at your home over the past few years you may be[Read More…]