
Locking down in-app purchases

Downloading free Apps to your smartphone or tablet could end up costing you more than nothing.  The popular ‘freemium’ business model for apps mean that while the original app is free, small in-App purchases that unlock features, add-ons or levels could get quite expensive. Most people come undone with in-app purchases when handing over their device to a child…who if[Read More…]

Gadgets to help you save power

Gadgets to help you save power

Did you participate in Earth Hour on Saturday night?  This global initiative encouraged people to switch off their lights for just one hour as a demonstration of concern for the environment…but if saving power is your aim, you can do that anytime you like and there are a few gadgets around to make it easier. If you have multiple appliances[Read More…]

Installing software - read the fineprint

Installing software – read the fineprint

The next time you install a piece of software on your computer be sure to read the fine print and options carefully during the installation process. Why? We’ll depending on the program and it’s origin you may actually end up installing things you don’t want, including browser ad-dons that change the default search engine or that push advertising pop up windows to[Read More…]

Finding a Data plan for your Tablet device

Finding a Data plan for your Tablet device

If you own a tablet device that’s equipped to run on either Wi-Fi or a mobile broadband service and you want to stay connected wherever you are be sure to shop around for the best deal on mobile data. Service providers like Telstra and Optus offer data sim cards on a plan starting at around 20 to 30 dollars a month, but there’s[Read More…]

Relationships technology dependant – eHarmony

Just 10 years ago using the web to help your seek out your soul mate may have seemed more of a novelty than a serious pursuit, but according to a 2013 survey by eHarmony, technology now plays a big part in relationships. Recently I spoke with Dr.Gian Gonzaga, Senior Director of Research and Development from eHarmony about how online dating[Read More…]