
Decoding Windows Error Messages

Decoding Windows Error Messages

There’s nothing worse than when something on your computer doesn’t work and a bad situation can be made even worse when the problem is accompanied by a confusing error message. One of the easiest ways to decode an error message made up on seemingly random letters and numbers is the copy and paste it into a web search engine which[Read More…]

Making use of old technology at home

Making use of old technology at home

Old mobile handsets and computers don’t have to sit around collecting dust.  Here’s a couple of ways to breathe new life into old technology. If you’ve moved from iPod to iPhone, You can turn an old iPod touch into an extra phone service by using a communications app such as  skype and your home wi-fi network. Or how about making your own[Read More…]

Keeping your Holiday photos safe

If you’re planning on giving your digital camera a workout over the holiday season, have a think about how you’re going to make sure those photos can be enjoyed for years to come. In short this means creating regular backups of your computer. For starters, get a good external hard drive to create a backup of your entire system.  A[Read More…]

10 Apps to make your life easier

10 Apps to make your life easier

How can my smartphone / tablet  make my life easier?  How about loading up a bunch of Apps to help out. Which ones? Well if you pick up the December issue of Money Magazine and flip though to page 130 you’ll find my list of the “Top 10 Apps to make your life easier”. Mostly it’s about saving time and doing[Read More…]

Apple Lightning cable compatibility issues

Apple Lightning cable compatibility issues

When Apple introduced the iPhone5, many were upset by the move to the new Lightning connector format as it meant connecting to devices such as docks would require an adapter…which of course would need to be bought. In the past if you simply needed a new connector for your iPod,iPhone or iPad you didn’t need to get one from Apple,[Read More…]