
Watch and Record Digital TV on your Tablet device

Want to watch live TV on your mobile or tablet device?  Well here’s a new gadget that will let you do just that. The Wi-Fi TV plug from Kaiser Baas is a small device that simply plugs into a power point and your TV aerial and then beams your digital free to air signal to almost any Wi-Fi connected device[Read More…]

Pre-teen cyber criminals

If you picture a cyber criminal to be some nerdy middle aged guy who does his dirty work from the basement at home…think again. The latest community threat report from AVG Technologies reveals that the current generation of malicious software developers haven’t even hit their teens. The threat report details a case of an 11 year old that designed malware[Read More…]

Blackberry is back

Blackberry is back

When talking smartphones most of the chatter at the moment is around either iPhone, Windows or Android devices, but just 10 years ago Blackberry was the name many associated with the term smartphone and it was largely taken up by business users for it’s mobile email capabilities. BlackBerry never really went away, it’s more a case of the competition moving[Read More…]

Social Media and workplace Privacy

The mis-use of social media is causing unrest in Australian workplaces, with a new study revealing that 62 percent of Australian adults believe it has affected their privacy at work. In relation to Cyber bullying, the study by AVG Technologies found that 8 percent of Australians surveyed had discovered secret conversations about them online which has been initiated by work[Read More…]

Apple introduces 128Gig iPad

Apple introduces 128Gig iPad

Apple’s iPad just doubled in size! Ok so the 4th generation iPad still looks the same on the outside, but in this case it’s what’s inside that counts as Apple has increased the maximum storage capacity to 128gigabytes. So why the big jump in size?  Well the fact is that it  doesn’t really take much to fill up an iPad, especially[Read More…]