
Apple recalls 1st Generation iPod Nano

Apple recalls 1st Generation iPod Nano

From Apple support today (and posted on the Apple Australia Website) Apple has determined that, in very rare cases, the battery in the iPod nano (1st generation) may overheat and pose a safety risk. Affected iPod nanos were sold between September 2005 and December 2006. This issue has been traced to a single battery supplier that produced batteries with a[Read More…]

Backing up your Digital Photos

If every digital photo you have ever taken is stored on one computer then you need to make sure you have a good backup and recovery plan in place. Using an external hard drive is a popular method of backing up any data on your computer, but you need to make sure it’s done often and the backup drive should[Read More…]

Dealing with SPAM

Unfortunately SPAM is a big part of our everyday lives online and it seems that nobody can completely cut off the never ending stream of junk email that is a mix of advertising and criminal scams. With around 113 Billion Spam emails sent daily there’s actually more junk email than legitimate email so what do you do if your inbox[Read More…]

Protect your PC when you step away

Have you ever walked way from your computer at home or work only to find that someone has quickly stepped in and wrote a cheeky comment posing as you on your Facebook account. It’s usually done in fun, but it does highlight a very real threat to both your identity and personal information. The simple solution to keep both eyes[Read More…]

Spring Clean your PC

Spring is a good time to spring clean….which includes computer. A good place to start is your desktop…is it cluttered with saved files, photos, shortcuts to websites or programs or documents that you were too lazy to file away properly? It will only take a few minutes to carefully look at each item then decide what to file, what to[Read More…]