
Tracking your Car – when you’re not driving it

It may sound like something from a Hollywood film, but the ability to determine the exact location of your car or even another person via GPS tracking is a reality…and not that expensive. Basically you have a few options and with different hardware and service levels. The first from JayCar is a plug and play device for around $150. Easily[Read More…]

Tips for extending the usage time of your Mobile Phone

Tips for extending the usage time of your Mobile Phone

As smartphones get smarter, they can also power hungry and means that on a busy day its battery doesn’t go the distance. While there are steps to can take to prolong battery operation I also recommend either buying a spare battery, for mobiles that have a removable one, or using a portable charging device. These portable charging devices are simply[Read More…]

Disney Infinity to launch this week

Disney Infinity combines real world toys from your favourite Disney and Pixar movies with a video game, and it hits stores this week. While the concept sounds very much like the popular Skylanders games, there is quite a difference when you pick up the controller and start playing.    For staters each of the game’s playsets gives you quite an[Read More…]

How to convert slides and photo negatives into digital photos

How to convert slides and photo negatives into digital photos

Do you have boxes of old photo negatives or slides stashed away? Converting old photo negatives and slides into images you could easily view used to be expensive and could only be done by a professional with specialised equipment, but now you can do it yourself quickly and much cheaper. There are many photo negative and slide digitizers on the market and[Read More…]

New App encourages better online behaviour

We often hear about some of the negative uses for social media but at last week’s cyber safety summit in Melbourne, a new web app was launched to encourage the flow of positive messages online. The App, which is aptly titled “@ppreciate” gives young people the opportunity to customise an encouraging messages which can then be shared with a friends[Read More…]