Recent stories

Clear the Air of Pollutants and Pollen in Your Home

Clear the Air of Pollutants and Pollen in Your Home

Well “Spring has Sprung” and for allergy sufferers it can be a tough time of year with so much pollen in the air.  You may not be able to control this outdoors but there are solutions available to make the air around your home ‘cleaner’. Just in time for this season of misery for many allergy sufferers, Dyson has released[Read More…]

Navigating when you can't use Smartphone maps

Navigating when you can’t use Smartphone maps

Why use a dedicated GPS device when you have maps on your smartphone? It seems a fair enough question to ask as you’ll find a ‘maps’ app available for just about every smartphone on the market, however there are quite a few reasons why this may not be the best solution. Last week I spoke with Wendy Hammond, the general[Read More…]

Ultimate Ears bringing more BOOM in September

Ultimate Ears bringing more BOOM in September

Later this month Ultimate Ears will release the next generation of its popular Boom portable bluetooth speakers…the Boom 3…and the Megaboom 3. As the company made the announcement last week I caught up with John Paterson from Ultimate Ears to talk about their success in the area of portable and smart speakers in the Australian market…and their latest release.  Listen[Read More…]

Fone King Tips to Protect your Galaxy Note 9

Fone King Tips to Protect your Galaxy Note 9

When it comes to looking after your expensive smarthphone, it seems that many of us could be doing a lot more with accidental drops, scratches and smashes all too common.   If you’ve just picked up the new Samsung Galaxy Note 9, I’d suggest that based on how much you’ve invested in that device you’ll want to keep it safe from[Read More…]

Win a Philips 4K Momentum Display

Win a Philips 4K Momentum Display

Not all computer monitors are created equal.  This becomes quite apparent when you take a look at the Philips Momentum 4K HDR display. Last week Tech Daily caught up with Eric Kab from Philips Australia to talk about this very BIG, high resolution display – listen below then scroll down for more details on how you can win one! Here[Read More…]