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The Worst Time for your Mobile to Lose Power

The Worst Time for your Mobile to Lose Power

What’s the worst possible scenario for your mobile phone to lose power? You’d be right to answer that with ‘anytime I need to use it’ however Fone King has come up with a list of the top 10 moments for battery failure. 1.       Right before you exchange numbers with someone in a club. I guess you could write their number down,[Read More…]

Ford’s driver-less food delivery

Ford’s driver-less food delivery

Ford is getting into the food delivery business.  Well, sort of. In a pilot currently underway in Miami, USA, Ford is working with an on-demand delivery platform, to operate a self-driving delivery service…but not all just about how the vehicle will drive itself. Though the pilot, Ford is also looking into how people would interact with a self-driving food delivery[Read More…]

Build and Program your own Robot - M-Bot

Build and Program your own Robot – M-Bot

The idea of building and programming your own robot may seem like something that’s out of reach, but it’s already happening schools…and you can also do it at home. This week I’ve been testing out the M-Bot, an entry level robot kit from Makeblock suitable for ages 8 and up.  Actually i built and tested this kit out with my[Read More…]

The Ultimate Portable Smart Speaker

The Ultimate Portable Smart Speaker

If you’re buying a smart speaker for the purpose of listening to music, you need to look at some of the physically larger products on the market.   That means you can forget products like Google Home Mini or Amazon’e Echo Dot (they have a purpose, but it’s not music). Personally I quite like the sound of the Sonos One speaker,[Read More…]

Is your PC a Crypto Mining Zombie?

Is your PC a Crypto Mining Zombie?

Cyber criminals are well and truly on board with anything that could help them make money at your expense and this extends in to the world of Cryptocurrency. I recently caught up with Tim Falinki from Trend Micro Australia to find out more about Cryptocurrency in general and how Cyber criminals could be using our computers and other connected devices[Read More…]