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A Gadget Filled Valentines Day with Logitech

A Gadget Filled Valentines Day with Logitech

Valentines Day.  It’s just over a month away and while it may not be the most notable gift giving occasion on your calendar, it could still be a great excuse to buy something a bit special for your significant other…or yourself. So pushing aside the chocolates and roses for a moment, Logitech has suggested the  unique gifts to show your[Read More…]

A Very Non-Tech Post

A Very Non-Tech Post

This post is especially for the listeners of 3GG in Victoria.   Along with the daily dose of Tech Daily on the radio I also have a weekly chat with Andrew Deak on the 3GG Breakfast program. ‘Deaksy’ occasionally makes references to my Chickens, so here’s one of them. When I’m not playing with the latest smartphones, WiFi routers or other[Read More…]

Who's Watching the House this Christmas?

Who’s Watching the House this Christmas?

If you’re gearing up to head away on Holidays this Christmas / New Year and leaving behind an empty house, now’s the time to consider how you’ll protect it. Earlier this month I spoke with Jeremy Stewart from Swann about the CCTV solutions that can give holidaymakers some peace of mind over the holidays.  Listen below. You’ll find more information on[Read More…]

Don't Forget the Batteries!

Don’t Forget the Batteries!

If any present that you have wrapped up under the tree requires batteries, it’s going to make a big difference on the day if you have a handy supply, especially when it comes to children’s toys. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when buying batteries; You get what you pay for.  Cheap batteries generally offer poor performance[Read More…]

What makes the XBox One X the World's Most Powerful Console?

What makes the XBox One X the World’s Most Powerful Console?

Last month Microsoft launched the XBox One X and labelled it the World’s Most Powerful Console, but how exactly does it earn this title? I recently spoke with Jeremy Hinton from XBox Australia to get the details.  Listen below. x