Recent stories

Australia Can't Decide on the NBN

Australia Can’t Decide on the NBN

With the National Broadband Network now available to around 4.5 million premises around Australia around 6.7 of us still don’t know anything about it. A recent survey from revealed that while 1 in 4 Australians says they will switch to the NBN as soon as it’s available in their area, 37 percent have admitted to being in the dark[Read More…]

Clean your Dusty Computer

Clean your Dusty Computer

Ever wondered why computers seem to attract so much dust?  The answer is simple. Static Electricity is generated while your computer is running which attracts dust and hairs and like any other mess in your home or office it needs to be attended to. Left to built up over time that dust can clump and end up blocking airflow which[Read More…]

Protecting your New Smartphone

Protecting your New Smartphone

What function does your Smartphone case/cover serve? One accessory that every smartphone owner needs to invest in is a protective case.  No not a fashion or decorative case, but one that could actually prevent damage to your phone if you dropped it. While a ‘fashion’ case may just your just a few dollars, generally speaking a protective case will set[Read More…]

Choosing an NBN Plan

Choosing an NBN Plan

If the NBN has recently been introduced to your area chances are you’ll also have a good choice of providers for this service, but don’t be fooled into simply signing up for the cheapest plan. NBN services are being offered at different speed levels and quite often the advertised prices are based on lower speed services. For example an NBN[Read More…]

Make a Backup of your Facebook Account.

Make a Backup of your Facebook Account.

Leading computer backup provider Acronis can now help you back up your Facebook account. Acronis True Image 2017 New Generation now includes the ability to create a backup copy of your Facebook photos, videos, comments and more.   I recently spoke with  Gaidar Magdanurov General Manager of consumer business at Acronis about this plus other new features of their leading backup[Read More…]