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Australia falling behind with Broadband speeds

Australia falling behind with Broadband speeds

  Australia is falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to broadband internet speeds ranking at 48th place globally. So you may be wondering who has the fastest?  Well in the global broadband connection speed rankings for the end of 2015 published by Akamai technologies, South Korea came in at number 1 with an average speed of[Read More…]

Managing what your kids are doing on their iPad

Managing what your kids are doing on their iPad

Does your child use a mobile phone or tablet? If so how do you now that they are only using it when they are supposed to…and are only accessing appropriate content? Perth company Systemic developed the Curbi App to help parents take control.  I spoke with Systemic product director Justin Magraith about the need for such an app – Listen below. Get more[Read More…]

Photograph: Keith Morris/Alamy

Free parental controls with Microsoft Family

  Protecting your kids from the nasty side of the internet should start with a conversation, setting rules, taking appropriate use and encouraging them to come to you when they see something that’s not right…but there’s also some great tools to support your efforts. A great one for Windows PC users is Microsoft Family.  It gives parents the ability to[Read More…]

Computer accessories you shouldn’t go without

Computer accessories you shouldn’t go without

If you’re about to buy a new laptop here are a few add-ons you shouldn’t forget. Firstly a case to carry it in…specifically one that will offer some protection from minor bumps and scratches.   Prices vary from around 30 dollars to something more bullet proof at over $100. Next up, for the inside of your computer, Internet Security software but[Read More…]

Hoverboard Sales Ban continues

Hoverboard Sales Ban continues

One of 2015’s most talked about Christmas present has been getting some bad press…and it’s no surprise with safety concerns and  4 house fires linked to faulty products in this category. After a series of events caused by these self balancing scooters many were recalled or banned from sale earlier this year with the ACCC releasing a safety warning notice and announcing[Read More…]