Recent stories

Aussies still too quick to click

Aussies still too quick to click

Be careful what you click on!    Internet security company Trend Micro’s roundup of online security threats for 2015 has revealed that Australia ranks 3rd in the world for the most users that click on malicius URLs in 2015.   Why is this? and what other cybercriminal activites do Australians need to look out for? I recently caught up with Tim Falinski[Read More…]

Desktop PCs getting tiny

Desktop PCs getting tiny

Traditionally a desktop computer is a large space consuming box that sits on or under your desk…but just like everything else even these are getting amazingly small. A great example is the new Voyo Mini PC.   This ‘box’ measures just 12cm by 12cm and is less than 2cm thick…but plug in a keyboard, mouse, monitor and external hard drive and[Read More…]

Good times for 2nd hand smartphone buyers and sellers

Good times for 2nd hand smartphone buyers and sellers

Thanks to the recent release of Apple’s iPhone SE and the Galaxy S7 from Samsung it’s a great time to go shopping for a pre-loved mobile phone. eBay recently reported that Australians are stitting on an estimated $6.4 Billion in unused mobile handsets.   If you’re sitting on an old mobile phone or two it could help put some cash[Read More…]

March 31 is World Backup Day – Win Acronis backup softare


How Mouldy Bread could charge up your Phone

How Mouldy Bread could charge up your Phone

There’s not much you can do with mouldy bread…but in the future it could be useful to charge up your mobile phone. Scientists at the University of Dundee in Scotland have been playing around with some mouldy sandwiches and have discovered that rare red bread mould that has electrochemical properties.   So far they’ve had promising results using the mould to[Read More…]