Recent stories

Cloud Backup - What are your options?

Cloud Backup – What are your options?

Backing up your important files with a ‘Cloud’ service is a great idea, but where do you start? All the basic free services like Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive might be good to store some of your files, but what about the entire contents of your computer, which could be terabytes of data? Well you will need to spend some[Read More…]

Taking your Mobile overseas too confusing for many

Taking your Mobile overseas too confusing for many

According to a recent survey released by Vodafone 67 per cent of Australians don’t understand roaming costs so won’t take their mobile phone overseas, or if they do, will keep their phones swtiched off to avoid excess charges (aka Bill Shock). Taking your mobile phone overseas can be risky…that is you run the real risk of running up bill…probably because you didn’t really[Read More…]

Apple Power Adapter recall

Apple Power Adapter recall

If you own or have ever owned an Apple device in the past 13 years now is the the time to have a closer look at any of the Apple power adapters you may have lying around. Last week Apple announced a voluntary recall of AC wall plug adapters designed for use in Australia, New Zealand and 4 other countries[Read More…]

Kaiser Baas Delta Drone - First flight review

Kaiser Baas Delta Drone – First flight review

If you’ve been following Tech Daily for any amount of time then you’ll know that I will jump at the opportunity to review just about anything that flies, so yes I’ve had more than my fair share of Drones pass though the office. Last week Kaiser Baas sent over their new Delta Drone.   At $599 it’s quite a step[Read More…]

Win a 'Year of the Monkey' USB Drive

Win a ‘Year of the Monkey’ USB Drive

When the Chinese New Year begins on Monday the 8th of February 2016 will be celebrated as the year of the Monkey. According to the chinese horoscope the monkey symbolises intelligence so it’s not such a far stretch for flash memory manufacturer Kingston to release a ‘Year of the Monkey’ USB drive. This new limited edition flash drive has a[Read More…]