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iPad a price.

iPad Pro…at a price.

Apple’s entry into the world of 2-in-1 devices the iPad Pro is here…but it’s not cheap. Featuring a 12.9 inch screen, the new iPad Pro can be used a tablet device…or transformed into a Notebook computer with a separate, full size add-on smart keyboard. …and the price?  Well a base model 32 gig iPad Pro…without a smart keyboard or the[Read More…]

Darth Vader PS4 Controller

Darth Vader PS4 Controller

If you’re the type of person who has already bought tickets to the new StarWars movie opening next month…and you own a Playstation 4 then here’s something else you’ll like. From Thursday this week you’ll find the new Darth Vader inspired DualShoke 4 controller for Playstation 4 in stores….on the same day the new Star Wars Battle front video game[Read More…]

DreamLab App speeds up Cancer research

DreamLab App speeds up Cancer research

It’s amazing what your mobile phone can achieve while you’re not using it, but i’m not talking about downloading emails. Thanks to a new app called DreamLab, you can put your smartphone to work assisting with cancer research.  The App will harness the power of mobiles across australia to form a supercomputer…with each device being used to solve small problems[Read More…]

Get group opinion quickly with Tossup App

Get group opinion quickly with Tossup App

For those times when you need a bunch of your friends to help you make a decision, the team behind Microsoft Outlook have created an app so you can quickly get a group consensus. It’s called Tossup, and using it on your Android or iOS device you can quickly create a poll, yes or no question or seek out an[Read More…]

Giving your computer a speed boost with and SSD

Giving your computer a speed boost with and SSD

  If you find that your computer is struggling though the daily boot up and sluggish opening and closing programs a quick hard drive upgrade could get you moving again. Upgrading to a solid state hard drive is a great way to boost the speed of your computer.   Unlike mechanical disk drives, solid state drive have no moving parts so[Read More…]