Recent stories

What's inside intel's 6th generation?

What’s inside intel’s 6th generation?

  Intel recently launched their 6th generation of Core processors that are now being built into new computers…but it’s not all about speed. I caught up with Anna Torres from Intel Australia to talk though how 6th Generation technology is different from prevous generation and what this will mean for the latest computers.   Listen below. Get more information at  

Facebook Photo Doodle

Facebook Photo Doodle

One of the latest updates to Facebook on mobile devices gives you the opportunity to have a bit more fun with your photos. The Doodle function found on the iOS and Android mobile Facebook app let’s you draw on your Facebook photos…just like you can in snapchat. To get started upload a photo then tap edit and doodle…and you’re away[Read More…]

Internet Safety pays off for 8 year old competition winner

Internet Safety pays off for 8 year old competition winner

The Winners of Trend Micro’s What’s your story poster competition have been announced and today I managed to track down the 1st place winner for a quick chat. Ruby Jane may only be 8 years old but he’s already on the road to understanding why online safety is so important.  This is reflected in her poster titled “Who are you[Read More…]

BYOD for School in 2017

BYOD for School in 2017

If your child will required to bring their own notebook computer to school  for the first time next year here’s a few tips to help you find the right device. Firstly you should receive a list of technical specifications from the school.  This is a great starting point, however generally they will list the minimum technical requirements so you should[Read More…]

What if you don't like Windows 10?

What if you don’t like Windows 10?

If you recently upgraded you PC from Windows 7 or 8.1 to Windows 10 and have decided that you don’t really like Windows 10…you can actually roll back to happier times. Simply open the Start menu and select Settings. Click the “Update & security” icon and select “Recovery.” You should now see a “Go back to Windows 7” or “Go[Read More…]