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Backup with Acronis 2016

Backup with Acronis 2016

  A key application for every device is a comprehensive, reliable and easy to use backup solution…for your PC, notebook AND your mobile devices. One of the best solutions to do this I’ve found is Acronis True Image Cloud. The main benefit in using this product is that you can create both a local backup AND an online backup, with unlimited cloud[Read More…]

Free recycling for your old Computer

Free recycling for your old Computer

  Computer junk is an environmental hazard on a global scale…but your old tech gear doesn’t shouldn’t’ be going to landfill as there are some good recycling options available. Dell is the world’s largest technology recycler and just in the last year has collected over 78 thousand tones of electronics.  If you’re buying a Dell PC you have the option[Read More…]

How to make sure you kids don’t mess up your iPad

How to make sure you kids don’t mess up your iPad

  If you’ve ever handed your iPad to your young child only to have handed back a few minutes later after they’ve changed a bunch of settings or somehow locked you out of the device, here something you may like to try. Ok so you could just not let them use it again OR you can track down the ‘guided[Read More…]

Is this the Ultimate Vacuum Cleaner?

Is this the Ultimate Vacuum Cleaner?

The ultimate vacuum cleaner would have to be the one that doesn’t need you to push it around the room.  Now they do already exist with a number of compact robotic vacuum cleaners on the market, however iRobot has taken the idea one step further with the Roomba 980. This Robotic Vacuum cleaner doesn’t just suck up the dust and[Read More…]

New iPhone 6S is good for 2nd hand mobile sales

New iPhone 6S is good for 2nd hand mobile sales

If you pick up the newly released iPhone 6S last week but are on the lookout for a new smartphone then you may find that the rush for Apple’s latest is a great opportunity. How?  Well around the time of any major mobile handset release many people are prepared to sell off their old phone to help fund their latest acquisition[Read More…]