Recent stories

How old do you look?

How old do you look?

Even been told you look either older or younger than you really are?  Were they being extra nice or a bit nasty?  Well how about letting a computer have a look and give you an answer based on an equation? Microsoft recently set up the website which allows users to upload a photo of themselves to then be delivered[Read More…]

Smart Watch Etiquette?

Smart Watch Etiquette?

Hopefully by now you’re well aware of basic mobile phone etiquette…you know things like avoiding talking loudly in public places and not staring at your phone when someone trying to have a real conversation with you…but what about Smart Watch etiquette? Well as there’s already quite a few of these Smart Watches on the market and Apple has just unloaded[Read More…]

Putting a human hand back together in your browswer

Putting a human hand back together in your browswer

If you were handed a bunch of bones…and then told they belonged to a human hand…could you put them all together in the right place? Well now your knowledge of human anatomy can be tested online thanks to the work of 3D simulation company Dassault systems. They’ve created a real-time game called ‘Bones Box’ that challenges players to correctly assemble[Read More…]

Privacy Awareness Week - May 3-9

Privacy Awareness Week – May 3-9

May 3 to 9 is Privacy awareness week.  The theme this year is ‘protecting your personal information online no matter your age’. Why is this important?  Well some recent research from Trend Micro Australia has revealed some alarming findings. –          61 per cent of Australian consumers let their browser save their password –          41 per cent do not use a[Read More…]

Taking the Bebop drone for a fly

Taking the Bebop drone for a fly

If you like the idea of owning your own aerial drone you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to enjoy similar features found in professional drones.  The Bebop drone from Parrot is a good example. Its features include a 14-megapixel onboard fish-eye camera with HD video capture,  connectivity with the latest wi-fi standards and with built in GPS is[Read More…]