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Is Facebook dead?

Is Facebook dead?

A new report suggests that teens are steering clear of Facebook as their parent make it ‘uncool’, but is Facebook dead? With over 1 Billion users that may be a bit of a dramatic statement but Jason Matthews from Gold 92.5’s ‘Rush Hour’ show called me earlier today to talk about it.  Listen below. Over Facebook?  You could always go[Read More…]

Aussies living in fear of large phone bills

Aussies living in fear of large phone bills

Had any surprising mobile phone bills lately?  Well according to a recent survey by Amaysim more than half of us live in fear of Monthly mobile bill shock. To break out of that cycle financial expert Chris Magnus says that users need to closely examine their bill…then make appropriate changes.  Earlier this year I spoke to Chris who offered up[Read More…]

Tablet, Ultrabook...or something else?

Tablet, Ultrabook…or something else?

Tablet or Ultrabook?  Which is better? Well the real question is what exactly do you need it for.  Answer this question and you’re on your way to getting the right device for you. If you’re constantly on the go then weight and a slim form factor could play a big part in your decision so a tablet device may be[Read More…]

HTC One M9 - Premium smartphone with 4k video

HTC One M9 – Premium smartphone with 4k video

The premium smartphone market is blooming at the moment with plenty of tempting offerings from Apple, Sony and Samsung all priced upwards from $1000….and then there’s the latest from HTC. The new HTC One M9 smartphone joins this elite group with worthy credentials… of which the silver and gold gold finished body is the first you’ll notice..somewhat reminiscent of the[Read More…]

Dallas buyer club - Should Illegal downloaders be scared?

Dallas buyer club – Should Illegal downloaders be scared?

That’s the question on the minds of the thousands of Australian internet users who illegally downloaded a copy of the movie last year (allegedly). Earlier today I Jason Matthews and Darren Curtis from Gold FM on the Gold Coast called to get some clarity on the situation – listen below. Some say this will be no deterrent for users who[Read More…]