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Google Inbox Manager

Google Inbox Manager

10 years ago Google changed the face of email with ‘Gmail’ and it has hundreds of millions of users Google is still looking to re-invent email. Sure there’s nothing new and exciting about email…and frankly for many it can be overwhelming…so Google has started testing out a new email product that’s simply called ‘inbox’. The main goal of ‘inbox’ is[Read More…]

Playstation 4 - Behind the wheel with DriveClub

Playstation 4 – Behind the wheel with DriveClub

If you enjoy racing video games then for XBox consoles ‘Fortza Motorsport’ is top pick and for Playstation the ‘Gran Turismo’ series is also serious business but the latest for Playstation 4 takes follows a slightly different line. The game is Driveclub and while it moves away from real world tracks featured in other games, it still looking spectacular and[Read More…]

Tech Tuesday on 3GG

Tech Tuesday on 3GG

This morning I spoke with John Blackman and Deaksy on 3GG for Tech Tuesday. Here’s a run down of what we spoke about. Let’s start with music and no it’s not an iPod but Sony’s Waterproof walkman.   And the question about how music sounds while you’re doing laps of the pool?  Well the earbuds keep the water out so the[Read More…]

Are you still paying for Mobile Text Messages?

Are you still paying for Mobile Text Messages?

If your mobile phone plan doesn’t include unlimited text messaging it’s worth checking out some free alternatives to traditional mobile SMS. For iPhone users free messaging between other iOS devices users is built in with iMessage, but you don’t have to miss out just because you have a windows or android device…simply download a free app called “WhatsApp”. This App[Read More…]

Should I install OSX Yosemite?

Should I install OSX Yosemite?

The latest version of Apple’s desktop operating system OSX Yosemite is now available as a free update for Mac users and is getting good reviews for it’s improved connectivity with iPhone and iPad, but before you rush to the apple store to download and install it here are a few things to think about. Firstly will your Mac support it.[Read More…]