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Apps to help you with housework

Apps to help you with housework

If you’re a bit forgetful when it comes to your daily domestic tasks here’s an app to give you a push. The HomeRoutines App lets you create checklists for everything that needs to be done around the home and can give you a nudge with notifications and alerts.   This App isn’t free but could be worth the investment to stay[Read More…]

Moon Landing Buzz goes to twitter

Moon Landing Buzz goes to twitter

July 20th marked the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing (technically that’s today in the U.S).  It was arguable one of the greatest technological achievements of the 20th century and to this day the 2nd made on the moon continues to embrace technology. Buzz Aldrin has taken to twitter with the hashtag ‘Apollo’ to encourage people to take[Read More…]

Acronis offers dual backup for Mac users

Acronis offers dual backup for Mac users

You know that old saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”…well the perfect application for it is when you’re making regular backups of important data. For Mac users you may think you have data backup covered with the build in ‘time machine’ feature…but in the event of complete hard drive failure you’ll be left with nothing.  This is[Read More…]

PayPal updates mobile payments for small business

PayPal updates mobile payments for small business

In just a couple of weeks time they way many of us pay at the checkout will change but research reveals that not all aussie businesses are ready. From August 1 signature verification on credit cards is being phased out so the only option you’ll have is to use a PIN at point of sale…however the recent research from PayPal[Read More…]

At what age should your child have their own smartphone or tablet device?

At what age should your child have their own smartphone or tablet device?

The answer, according to a new survey, is 10.6 years. According to the Trend Micro Australian Children & Mobile Device Survey, 63% of children aged between  8 and 11 and 73% of children aged between 12 and 15 either have their own mobile device or use their parent’s mobile devices. It will come as no surprise that the survey discovered that[Read More…]