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iPad overpriced in Australia?

iPad overpriced in Australia?

It’s long been thought that Australians are paying too much for the latest technology but the news isn’t all bad. Last week Comsec’s ipad price index revealed that Australia is ranks at number 13 out of 51 for the price of the latest iPad with Argentina having the highest price at close to $1000. If however you do feel that[Read More…]

How Heartbleed affects mobile device users

How Heartbleed affects mobile device users

Quite often I talk about online threats to your computer and privacy and what you can do to protect yourself from them but sometimes it’s simply out of your hands. Trend Micro reports that in the case of a new security issue called the “Heartbleed vulnerability” while the threat is very serious it’s not a problem with your computer or[Read More…]

Luftrausers - Addictive aerial dogfighting arcade game for PS Vita

Luftrausers – Addictive aerial dogfighting arcade game for PS Vita

When it comes to the latest video games it’s easy to get caught up with the amazing realistic graphics, surround sound and deep storylines…but sometimes you just can’t beat a classic arcade style game. On the Playstation Vita, that game is Luftrausers. You start out flying a world war 2 style plane battling other aircraft and boats as you dodge[Read More…]

Microsoft office now on your iPad

Microsoft office now on your iPad

Do you use Microsoft Office? Chances are you’ve used it on your PC or Mac over the years, well now Popular office programs like Word, Excel and Powerpoint are now available from the App store for iPad. For those who just want to read word documents and view excel data and powerpoint presentations there’s a free version of those Apps.[Read More…]

Win a copy of Trend Micro Maximum Security

Win a copy of Trend Micro Maximum Security

Entry is open to Australian residents only from 9/4/20014 until 16/4/2014. Limit of one entry per household. The winning entries will be selected Tech Daily staff based on their content and winners will be contacted via email. Winner selection will be final and no further correspondence will be entered into. Each winner will received 1 x boxed copy of Trend[Read More…]