Recent stories

Relationships technology dependant – eHarmony

Just 10 years ago using the web to help your seek out your soul mate may have seemed more of a novelty than a serious pursuit, but according to a 2013 survey by eHarmony, technology now plays a big part in relationships. Recently I spoke with Dr.Gian Gonzaga, Senior Director of Research and Development from eHarmony about how online dating[Read More…]

Take your PS Vita Skateboarding with OlliOlli

Take your PS Vita Skateboarding with OlliOlli

How are your skills on a skate board?  Well perhaps you might like to try some virtual skating with the Playstation Vita game Olli Olli.  This highly addictive side scrolling (or perhaps I should say side skating) game finds you tricking and grinding through over 50 levels and 250 challenges…all without the risk of losing the skin off your knees.[Read More…]

Nokia Lumia 1320 out this week

Nokia Lumia 1320 out this week

This week Nokia’s latest smartphone hits the market featuring a big screen with a surprisingly low price tag. The Lumia 1320 features a 6inch screen with 720p HD display, is 4G enabled and runs on the Windows Phone 8 platform with access to around 200 thousand apps. This smartphone comes with all the features you’d expect from a Windows phone,[Read More…]

Decoding Windows Error Messages

Decoding Windows Error Messages

There’s nothing worse than when something on your computer doesn’t work and a bad situation can be made even worse when the problem is accompanied by a confusing error message. One of the easiest ways to decode an error message made up on seemingly random letters and numbers is the copy and paste it into a web search engine which[Read More…]

Soniq offers Newlyweds TV, not counselling

Soniq offers Newlyweds TV, not counselling

Soniq Australia says that newly-weds would be better off with another TV instead of taking up the governments offer of a $200 voucher for marriage counselling. A study by 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair found that 36% of adult couples fought over TV channel selection so while the federal government suggest marriage counselling might be a good idea – Soniq[Read More…]