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Soniq offers Newlyweds TV, not counselling

Soniq offers Newlyweds TV, not counselling

Soniq Australia says that newly-weds would be better off with another TV instead of taking up the governments offer of a $200 voucher for marriage counselling. A study by 60 Minutes and Vanity Fair found that 36% of adult couples fought over TV channel selection so while the federal government suggest marriage counselling might be a good idea – Soniq[Read More…]

Just for fun - The 'Selfie' song

Just for fun – The ‘Selfie’ song

Do you constantly post photos of yourself, taken by you, on social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?  Or perhaps you have friends who are guilty of taking a ‘Selfie’ just becuase they can. Here’s a fun song about it that just popped up on Youtube – “Take a selfie”. Selfie (n.)- A picture taken of yourself that is planned[Read More…]

Canon introduces Mini HD Camcorder with great sound

Canon introduces Mini HD Camcorder with great sound

High definition video capture is now a common feature of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers but while the video may look great, often the audio quality isn’t quite what it should be. If you’re looking to record great quality stereo audio with your HD videos, Canon’s new Legria mini X creative camcorder could be the gadget for[Read More…]

Making use of old technology at home

Making use of old technology at home

Old mobile handsets and computers don’t have to sit around collecting dust.  Here’s a couple of ways to breathe new life into old technology. If you’ve moved from iPod to iPhone, You can turn an old iPod touch into an extra phone service by using a communications app such as  skype and your home wi-fi network. Or how about making your own[Read More…]

Wireless controller brings the games console to your iOS device

Wireless controller brings the games console to your iOS device

Console style gaming on your iPhone or iPad. It it possible?  Well not if you’re happy to sit there flicking away at the screen. SteelSeries has just released the first wireless gamepad controller designed to bring the type of control you’re used to on console systems to your Apple mobile device. Apple’s latest update, iOS 7, features built-in conroller support[Read More…]