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XBox One launches this week - Interview with XBox Australia

XBox One launches this week – Interview with XBox Australia

The successor to Microsoft’s XBox360 games and entertainment console launches on Friday this week but if you don’t buy the XBox One on launch day will you still be able to get one for Christmas? This was just one of the questions I put to Adam Pollington from XBox Australia when I sat down with him late late week.  Adam[Read More…]

Apple Lightning cable compatibility issues

Apple Lightning cable compatibility issues

When Apple introduced the iPhone5, many were upset by the move to the new Lightning connector format as it meant connecting to devices such as docks would require an adapter…which of course would need to be bought. In the past if you simply needed a new connector for your iPod,iPhone or iPad you didn’t need to get one from Apple,[Read More…]

Mobile payments on the rise

Online shopping and payments are big business.  According to a new industry report report from PayPal the online retail market has grown 11 percent year on year since 2010 and mobile payments have grown by more than 5000 percent. The driving force behind these figures is the development of technology that enables retailers to operate online while taking advantages of[Read More…]

Nexus 5 - The latest affordable smartphone

Nexus 5 – The latest affordable smartphone

As the price of the latest generation of popular smartphones creeps towards the $1000 mark you may be tempted to see what else is on offer.  Well the good news is that you can spend around half that amount and still get an great device. A good example is the new Nexus 5 from Google and LG.  It’s the first[Read More…]

Hands-free selfies

Hands-free selfies

If you use your iPhone as your main digital camera and occasionally want to get in your own photos then you’ll need two things…a portable camera stand and the Shutter Remote. Once connected with your iPhone via bluetooth, the small shutter remote can be used to trigger the camera shutter up to around 10 meters away but it also has[Read More…]