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iPad for Dummies top selling 'Dummy' book

iPad for Dummies top selling ‘Dummy’ book

Looking for some help with your new computer or mobile device?…well there’s a book for that. The ‘for dummies’ books are a well known ‘how to’ series that covers topics everything from playing guitar to parenting and cooking…but the best selling books in this series are all about technology. Dymocks reports that the top 20 ‘for dummies’ books include ‘windows[Read More…]

Spotify has the ulilmate ‘workday tunes’ playlist

How big a part does music play in your life?  Does this extend to work? According to research released by Digital Music service Spotify, 20 percent of Australian offices say NO to music in the workplace, not taking into account the positive effects it may have on employees. I recently spoke with Clare Mann, director of Communicate31 and Fellow of the[Read More…]

Fixing a hi-jacked web browser

If you’ve opened up your web browser only to find it immediately redirecting to an unusual webpage, you’ve been hi-jacked. Actually web browser hi-jacking isn’t a new tactic by cyber criminals, however it does still post a risk and can be one of the more annoying issues to resolve as in some instances the hack isn’t always detected by internet[Read More…]

Tips for letting your child play with your Tablet / Smartphone

Sometimes you may find it convenient to let your kids play with your smartphone or tablet device, after all how much trouble can they really get into? Well unless you’ve taken precautions, your kids playtime on your device could end up costing you some of your hard earned cash…in in a few simple swipes. How?  Well the main thing to[Read More…]

HD Action Camera - The Ultimate bragging tool

HD Action Camera – The Ultimate bragging tool

The ultimate gadget to have on hand to back up any adventure is an action camera. These cameras are built to take anywhere and can usually be mounted to anything from surfboards to motorbikes, cars and skydiving and cycling helmets, recording everything in high definition. A couple of years ago these cameras were reserved for extreme sports enthusiasts and professional[Read More…]