Recent stories

Keeping your kids safe online

This morning I spoke to Jamie McDonald on Brisbane Radio station 4BC about helping to keep kids safe online.  You can now listen below and find a summary of the conversation. What is the problem The Internet gives us access to endless content while opening the door to communicate with others around the globe with little effort, but the web[Read More…]

RAC Launches Attention Powered Car in W.A

RAC Launches Attention Powered Car in W.A

Pay attention to the road or the car is going nowhere.  Earlier this week the Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia unveiled the world’s first car powered by the attention of the driver. Yes it still takes tradition fuel however when combined with a special headset and software than monitors brain waves the car will only run at full power[Read More…]

New PayPal Mobile App – Video Tour

The latest update to the PayPal mobile app for Windows, Android and iOS devices is more than cosmetic (although it does look nice too). With fast access to businesses in your area that accept PayPal payments and ‘order and pay ahead’ services the App realises the idea of the digital wallet. There’s a brief tour.

Nintendo 2DS coming October 12

Nintendo 2DS coming October 12

While Sony and Microsoft prepare to go head to head with new lounge room games consoles in November, next month Nintendo will launch its latest portable games console. The Nintendo 2DS is a re-imagining of the existing 3DS console…a budget offering that can play Nintendo DS and 3DS games but without the 3D screen. The shape of the 2DS is[Read More…]

The perfect accessory for the Selfie

The perfect accessory for the Selfie

There’s a bit of an art to creating the perfect selfie…that is a photo of yourself, taken by you with you smartphone or compact camera. It’s usually spur of the moment while dealing with forces at play like shaky hands and weird angles. Well there is actually an accessory to help you take a better selfie…it’s a portable stand. One[Read More…]