Recent stories

Frustrated with your PC? You’re not the only one

Frustrated by the performance of your PC? Well you’re not the only one. A recent survey revealed that many people would rather visit the dentist for a check-up than deal with computer problems. The website suggests that cleaning out old content can really made a difference to your PC’s performance so if you’re having problems with a sluggish computer definitely consider doing a clean[Read More…]

XBox One: Interview with XBox Australia

XBox One: Interview with XBox Australia

Overnight Microsoft announced the successor to the XBox360 games & entertainment console, XBOX ONE. This morning I spoke to Adam Pollington from XBox Australia about the announcement and he gave a good overview on what we can expect from the XBox One system. Listen below XBox One_Interview with Adam Pollington from XBox Australia

Texting While Driving – Crash risk isn’t worth it

Got your mobile phone with you in the car?  Sending mobile text messages while driving is illegal in all states and territories of Australia…because it’s a dangerous distraction. US experts claim that texting increases drive crash risk by 2300 per cent, yet people continue to do it. It’s also worth noting that this law extends to other functions on a[Read More…]

National Cyber Security Awareness Week – Interview with PayPal Australia

May 20 – 24 is National Cyber Security Awareness Week – An initiative by the Australian Government along with industry and consumer organisations to educate people on how to use the Internet safely and protect their personal and financial information online. Today I spoke with Adrian Christie from PayPal Australia about their part in securing financial information and he shares[Read More…]

Wasting time with old technology

What’s the best way you could waste time at work? How about dealing with computer problems or printer paper jams? According the the Dick Smith Productivity study, the average office worker spends more than two working weeks a year dealing with technical issues and it’s mostly thanks to old technology. The study revealed that over 2/3 of Australian workplaces still[Read More…]