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AVerMedia launches Live Gamer Portable for HD Gameplay capture

Last weekend in Melbourne, AVerMedia launched their latest HD Video Game capture device, the “Live Gamer Portable”. Here’s my report from the event as featured on GameArena. <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=””></script> <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script><div id=”GA_embed_video_68068″></div><script>{initVideoPlayer(“″,”false”,68068,309,521,””,”GA_embed_video_68068″)}</script>

Is “Sherpa” smarter than “Siri”

One of the more novel and more many, useful, features of Apple’s iPhone is Siri, the talking personal assistant that can help you do almost anything via voice commands. Well now Android mobile devices have their own personal Assistant with a free App called “Sherpa”. Sherpa can help you search for information, make appointments, send messages plus post to social[Read More…]

Telstra takes on international mobile bill shock

If you plan on taking your mobile phone with you overseas, now’s the time to protect yourself against an unexpected high usage bill on your return. It’s commonly called “Bill Shock”, but if you’re armed with the right information, a massive phone bill is easily avoided. First things first, check with your mobile provider on exactly how much a mobile[Read More…]

Robots of the future not quite like Star Wars

Robots of the future not quite like Star Wars

What do you think of when you hear the word Robot? Possibly those featured in movies Star Wars? Well they’ve certainly been an inspiration to those in the robotics field, but according to Dr Jonathan Roberts from the CSIRO, it could be some time before we have a robot like C3PO ,R2D2 or Wall-E. You can see some of the[Read More…]

PayPal replaces the ‘Tin Rattler’

An increase in the use of mobile payment technologies for charity donations could signal the end of the old ‘tin rattler’ on the street corner. Recently I spoke to Emily Birks from PayPal Australia about the popularity of PayPal, especially on the mobile platfrm, for charity donations. Listen below. PayPal Interview with Emily Birks April 2013