Recent stories

Google helps you build a Mobile Friendly website

Google helps you build a Mobile Friendly website

There are now 12.2million Australians online. The latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has revealed that the number of internet subscribers rose by 5 percent last year but it seems that Australian businesses aren’t keeping up with the trend. Data from MYOBs business monitor shows that more than 60 percent of Australian businesses are yet to establish a[Read More…]

Used Mobile Phones flood eBay prior to Samsung Galaxy S4 launch

Australians are mobile phone mad and eBay has the stats to prove it. In just the first 3 months of 2013, 100 thousand mobile phones were bought on eBay Australia along with 2.5 million mobile accessories. Last week I spoke with Meg English from eBay Australia about the popularity of Mobile devices on eBay and some data that suggests that[Read More…]

Reviving a drowned Mobile phone

Possibly the worst thing that you could do your mobile phone is get it wet…or even worse completely submerge it in any kind of liquid. Accidents do happen, from putting your phone through the wash to dropping it in the toilet or spilling a drink on it and usually the outcome is not great for the device. However a product[Read More…]

Disney Infinity – Interview with John Day

Take everything you love in the world of Disney…and other Disney owned properties such as pixar, add real world toys and put it all into a video game that’s as open as your imagination and you have Disney Infinity. Everything you need to know about this upcoming release can be seen in the video interview with John Day below.

Holiday bookings and payments popular onmobile

More Australians are booking holidays online, paying for them online…and doing it on a mobile device. According to figures from PayPal Australia, not only are mobile platforms now more popular for booking holidays, but mobile payment is becoming THE way to pay, increasing 16 fold last year compared to 2011. What this comes down to is 1 out of every[Read More…]