Recent stories

Did you miss World Backup Day?

Yesterday was, among other things, World backup day, so if you’ve yet to make copies of your all important and irreplaceable files this is the time to get onto it. Using an external hard drive both Windows and Mac operating systems make it very easy to create a simple backup of files and folders selected by you, however there are[Read More…]

Doing your Banking on Facebook

Social networking and online banking have become one with the introduction of Kaching for Facebook from the Commonwealth Bank. With the Kaching App users can make payments from their commbank accounts to any of their facebook friends or anyone with a mobile number or email address.  There also a feature where you can request payment from others that might owe[Read More…]

Pay your Telstra bill with PayPal

There are now even more ways to pay your Telstra bill online with Telstra introducing PayPal as a secure payment option for customers. If you already have a PayPal account and want to give it a go, simply head to armed with your Telstra account number, then simply select PayPal as your payment option. From there you can select[Read More…]

Australians at risk from counterfeit software

Looking to expose the dangers of counterfeit software, Microsoft Australia recently purchased twenty copies of pirated Windows and Microsoft Office software from markets around Melbourne. I spoke to Clayton Noble, legal counsel at Microsoft Australia, about the results of their buy up of dodgy software and how consumers can play it safe when it comes to buying software.  Listen below. Software Piracy_Clayton Noble interview[Read More…]

Education & Awareness needed to boost Australia’s Tech Industry

Earlier this week the two-day Silicon Beach Summit brought over 50 of Australia’s top Tech Entrepreneurs together to discuss the future of Australia in the tech sector and need to future-proof the education system to meet the needs and opportunities that will exist in the future. Today I spoke with Alan Nobie, Director of Engineering at Google Australia about the summit[Read More…]