Recent stories

Fans swarm launch of Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm

Fans swarm launch of Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm

On Monday night this week Melbourne played host to one of 4 official launch events around the globe for new Blizzard release Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm. Here’s my video wrap-up of the event held at Federation Square in the heart of Melbourne.

iAwards registration closes this Friday

iAwards registration closes this Friday

Expressions of interest for the 2013 iAwards close this friday. If you or your company have created an innovative ICT product or service, or know of an outstanding ICT innovator – you can register your interest to enter the 19th annual iAwards program at The iAwards is Australia’s premier technology awards program, boasting the most comprehensive array of awards which recognise achievements made in ICT across all facets[Read More…]

Battling Robots top of the list for Boys toys

Battling Robots top of the list for Boys toys

At the Australian Toy, Hobby & Nursery fair last week the Australian Toy Association revealed the top Toys to look out for in 2013. The product that took out the Boys Toy of the year award was the Combat Creatures Attacknid…a small remote control battle robot that promises plenty of for 5 to 12 year old boys. However from my[Read More…]

Happy 20th Birthday Dell Australia - Interview with Jeff Morris

Happy 20th Birthday Dell Australia – Interview with Jeff Morris

This week Dell Australia celebrates its 20th Birthday.  Yes, back in 1993 you couldn’t buy a Dell computer online, but you could certainly call a 1800 number and order a system that were much less affordable than the latest systems with processing power that you can’t even begin to compare. Today I spoke with Jeff Morris, the Director of End[Read More…]

Australia makes the final movies to Digital TV

Australia makes the final movies to Digital TV

Have you made the switch to Digital TV, chances are you have as Australia has slowly been switching off the old analogue TV transmitters across the country since 2010 with the process due for completion by the end of the year. The next areas to switchover to digital only free to air TV include Tasmania in April and regional and[Read More…]