Recent stories

Social Media and workplace Privacy

The mis-use of social media is causing unrest in Australian workplaces, with a new study revealing that 62 percent of Australian adults believe it has affected their privacy at work. In relation to Cyber bullying, the study by AVG Technologies found that 8 percent of Australians surveyed had discovered secret conversations about them online which has been initiated by work[Read More…]

Apple introduces 128Gig iPad

Apple introduces 128Gig iPad

Apple’s iPad just doubled in size! Ok so the 4th generation iPad still looks the same on the outside, but in this case it’s what’s inside that counts as Apple has increased the maximum storage capacity to 128gigabytes. So why the big jump in size?  Well the fact is that it  doesn’t really take much to fill up an iPad, especially[Read More…]

Valentine’s Day Online

If you’re looking to do something special for your significant other on Valentines day, you needn’t venture much further than your keyboard. With an online florist like you could sort out some flowers…or if it’s really last minute try the eCards section at to have send a free virtual card. If you are doing some last minute online shopping for Valentines[Read More…]

Atari goes bust but Pong lives on

Atari goes bust but Pong lives on

Played a game of Pong lately? Back in the 70’s Pong along with Atari kicked off the home video games console market, but things haven’t been going so great for the iconic games company as  Atari in the U.S recently filed for bankruptcy. There’s talk that it’s simply a move to break away from the unprofitable French parent company to[Read More…]

Shutting down your PC in Windows 8

A common gripe that many Windows 8 PC users have is the extra step that’s now seems to be needed to shut down the computer, but it doesn’t have to be that way. On a Windows 8 desktop machine you can use the keyboard shortcut of the windows key and ‘I’ then select settings, the power button and click ‘shut down’ or[Read More…]