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Digitize your old photos

Digitize your old photos

If you have a large pile of old photos that you’d like to share with others or just copy for archiving, you’ll need to digitize them. Forget trying to do the job using a traditional desktop scanner, individually scanning each of your photos this way could really stretch the job out. There are some great photo sized scanners on the market that don’t require[Read More…]

Create original songs with the Jam music App for iPhone

Anyone with an iPhone can become a pop  or rock star with no musical skills needed thanks to a new Australian made app called “Jam”. Ok, so you may never hear your iPhone made songs on the radio, but you can have plenty of fun creating completely original songs from almost nothing. To get started, simply sing a few words[Read More…]

Sony serves up the Xperia Superphone

Sony serves up the Xperia Superphone

One of the emerging trends from this year’s consumer electronics show in Las Vegas was the rise of the smarter smartphone and Sony is setting the standard high with their superphone experience. The new Xperia Z smartphone models boat quad core processors, 1080p HD video capabilities and 4G network connectivity. The Xperia Z will also delivery the ultimate camera experience[Read More…]

Lenovo offers world’s lightest Windows 8 Tablet

Lenovo offers world’s lightest Windows 8 Tablet

Many tablet devices are bought with the intention of using them purely for entertainment purposes like watching movies or playing games, howere there’s also a growing market of these devices that are directed at users that want to be productive, not play. A good example is Lenovo’s ThinkPad Tablet 2.  It supports Windows 8 professional so runs applications that business[Read More…]

Tennis time on your iPhone

With the Australian Open Tennis championships kicking off this week you can also get into tennis fever with a new kids mobile game called Tennis Hot Shots Galaxy. Created locally by Millipede creative development with Tennis Australia the game features fantasy tennis tournaments in which players can perform out of this world shots not seen at the real world tournament.[Read More…]