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Australian Tablet Ownership stats revealed

This may come as no surprise but Apple’s iPad dominates the Australian market as the most popular tablet device. The findings of the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association’s 8th annual mobile phone lifestyle index also revealed big jump in tablet device ownership, up from 16 percent to 40 percent over the past year. Additionally, among those who didn’t already own a tablet[Read More…]

Twitter Safety Tips

Twitter Safety Tips

Like Facebook, Twitter has made made a big impact on the way people communicate socially online…but among its users are spammers and cyber criminals. AVG’s tips on staying safe on Twitter include encouraging users to be weary of unusual activity from other users, think twice before clicking on a link and to be protective of their own private information. If[Read More…]

Illegal Software is a big risk for Business

Computer software can be a big cost for business of any size, but for those hoping to save a few dollars by using illegal copies of programs the risk could be even more costly. Check out the article on the Business Software Alliance website to find out why.

Recovering a stolen laptop

Notebook computers are an easy target for thieves, however the technology can also be turned against criminals with the help of some clever, invisible software It’s called “Hidden”…a discreet program that is literally hidden away within an iMac or Mac book.   If the computer is stolen, the owner can activate a tracking device that can then locate the computer anywhere[Read More…]

iPhone 5 Scam warning

Cyber criminals love nothing more than to latch onto a big news story, celebrity or the latest must have gadget to try and steal your information or money. It’s no surprise then that following the launch of Apple’s iPhone 5, the scammer have been quick to jump onto the hype and generate spam emails designed to lure unsuspecting victims with[Read More…]