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Sony launches Google TV

Internet enabled TVs are hardly a new idea, these smart TVs have been around for a number of years, but until recently their functionality has been somewhat limited and clunky at best compared to the way you access the web on your computer or even your mobile phone. Sony’s new Internet Player that can plug into any TV is the[Read More…]

Panasonic’s CF-19 Toughbook gets muddy

Panasonic’s CF-19 Toughbook gets muddy

If you work in a job where you’re constantly out and about and use a notebook you’ll understand how easily they can become scratched and generally suffer from exposure to the elements. Fortunately some notebooks are built to withstand this type of use. In the case of Panasonic’s toughbook series, these are laptops designed to take on whatever you, or[Read More…]

Test your IQ with Mensa Academy (the game)

There are plenty of video games available to help you keep your brain active…but here’s one that will put your IQ to the test. Mensa Academy isn’t just a good way to get your grey matter working overtime, the game was created in collaboration with Mensa, the global ID society. Players can work their way though over 100 challenges across[Read More…]

You need more than just Spell-Check

Spell check is an essential tool to have no matter what you’re writing, but due to the nature of what they are designed to do, they don’t always catch the most obvious of mistakes, like writing the wrong word. In this case you need more than Spell Check, you need a proof reader…so here’s one you can download for free.[Read More…]

4G is great, but possibly not where you live…yet.

More mobile devices, such as the iPhone 5,  that support 4G mobile networks are starting to appear on the market but what exactly does that mean for users. Well if you happen to live in an area where you can access a 4G network, then it means much faster upload and download speeds on your mobile device, however the network[Read More…]