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Nintendo 3DS XL now in stores

Nintendo 3DS XL now in stores

When Nintendo launched the 3DS handheld games system last year, it quickly smashed sales records to become the fastest selling new video games console in Australia, shipping 200 thousand units in just 37 weeks. Now this 3D games console has grown up with the launch of it’s big brother, the 3DS XL. As you may have guessed the “XL” stands[Read More…]

Find photos buried in your email – Free App

When someone sends you a photo via email, what do you do with it? Perhaps you just view it and think to yourself “I’ll save that somewhere later” then next thing you know it’s a few months later and finding that photo becomes quite a task. If you suspect your web based email account is full of hidden digital photos[Read More…]

The latest Video Games news – watch the video

Here’s the latest edition of “The Weekly Update” from Bigpond GameArena, presented by Andy Wells. This week featuring the launch of The New Super Mario Bros. 2 on 3DS, plus the new 3DSXL console from Nintendo…and Video Games at the Olympics? Maybe!

Leaked iPhone 5 TV Commercial

Ok, so it’s obviously not the real thing but a parody commercial for the next model of iPhone that’s reportedly coming in September.  

Ultimate Smartphone accessory – A.R Drone 2.0

What’s the ultimate fun accessory for your Apple or Android smartphone or tablet device?  How about a remote control quadricopter complete with HD video recording capabilities? The A.R Drone 2.0 quadricopter is unlike your average remote control flying vehicle, using either an iPhone, iPod touch, iPad or android mobile device as a remote control…and to view and record the high[Read More…]