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Mobile Manners survey from Intel

Mobile Etiquette – Intel Survey How are your mobile manners?  As ownership and use of internet-enabled mobile devices increases so does the probability that someone will annoy you though lack of basic mobile etiquette. Intel’s 2012 ‘Mobile Etiquette’ survey looked at the state of mobile manners across the globe and while offenses like Texting while driving, and Talking on a[Read More…]

Nintendo to launch Wii U in time for Christmas

The next generation of Nintendo’s home video games console, the Wii, is set to land in Australia on November 30 in Australia and New Zealand. What is the Wii U? It’s Nintendo’s High Definition games console that, along with improved visual quality, offers a new way to play with the addition of the Wii U GamePad Controller. The new GamePad[Read More…]

Windows 8 upgrade for $15

Next month Microsoft will release the next version of its Windows operating system, Windows 8, and if you recently bought a new PC then you may be entitled to a cheap upgrade. If you bought a PC running Windows 7 on or after June 2 this year then you’ll have the option of upgrading it to run Windows 8 at[Read More…]

Atari Arcade - play in your web browser

Atari Arcade – play in your web browser

Earlier this year one of the best known names in Video Games turned 40.  It was in June 1972 that Atari was incorporated as a company, which then went on to create iconic video games such as the simple tennis-like game, Pong. 40 years down the track Atari has now teamed up with Microsoft to bring many of its famous[Read More…]

PipeNote secure notepad for Windows

Want to keep a secret diary or collection of notes on your computer that no one can read but you?  Here’s a simple, free program that can do just that. It’s called PipeNote, created by a software developer in Romania who emailed in last week to let me know how his creation. There’s nothing fancy about this program, but PipeNote[Read More…]