Recent stories

Computer tips for the new financial year

With the new financial year you may be wading though piles of financial records for the tax office or accountant, so it’s the idea time to do a tidy up of your digital life. With so many of our connected devices such as mobile phones, notebooks, personal computers and tablets holding personal information, AVG Australia suggests taking stock of your[Read More…]

Help! My iPhone / iPad won’t turn on!

Here’s a quick solution to a common problem experienced by iPhone and iPad owners – a device that won’t turn on. It may not every happen to you however I’ve recently heard about this problem from a few people – they go to turn their device on, and nothing happens…or it simply freezes while on…and won’t turn off. The good[Read More…]

Nokia Lumia 900 - Big Screen Windows Phone

Nokia Lumia 900 – Big Screen Windows Phone

There was a time when mobile phones were getting smaller and smaller…but then they got smarter, so now we’re seeing smartphone screen sizes grow to support their various features. While not sporting the largest smart phone screen on the market, Nokia’s Lumia 900 looks mighty big with it’s 4.3inch screen…compared to the iPhone’s 3.5inch screen. Operating on the Windows Phone[Read More…]

Tom Tom launches GPS with 6inch screen

Tom Tom launches GPS with 6inch screen

Just like the screen size of mobile phones is on the increase, in-car GPS navigation seems is moving in a similar direction. Many of the popular GPS navigation devices on the market have a screen size of between 4 and 5 inches, however TomTom has just released their first model with a 6inch screen. Along with the upsized screen, the[Read More…]

Get untangled with wireless headphones

Get untangled with wireless headphones

Most mobile phones perform well as digital music players. A great example is Apple’s iPhone, but how annoying is it when those tiny earbud headphones get tangled! The solution is wireless headphones, but that doesn’t mean you have to upgrade to a larger set of headphones. Plantronics has just released the BackBeat Go.  Small, ear-bud style headphones like what you[Read More…]