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File sharing service YouSendit seems to be broken

File sharing service YouSendit seems to be broken

Popular file sharing service YouSendit is currenly unavailable. The company’s official Twitter feed states that the service is ‘mostly not working’  with no time given for when it will be up and running again.  The current issue appears to have plagued the service for at least 10 hours. See for more information.

No Windows Installation Disk? No Problem

Many new PCs have the Windows Installation file stored on a hidden partition which can normally be accessed if needed…but what if something happens to that copy and you don’t have the installation disk? Well the good news is that you can simply download the full installation file for windows 7, legally, as long as you still have the product[Read More…]

Internet Security and EOFY

Chances are you’ll be sorting out your tax return in the coming months and if like many you’ll be doing it online there’s a few things to watch out for. Cyber criminals love tax time.  Like any other big event they’ll use it to try and trick you into visiting fake websites hoping to steal information so AVG Australia has[Read More…]

End of Financial year Computer savings

If you’ve been thinking of buying a computer the last few days of this financial year can be great time to put those thoughts into action. If you’re buying for work or education purposes, picking up a new computer before June 30 could be a tax deduction that you can benefit in the new financial year (check with your Tax[Read More…]

Melbourne based gamer wanted for chance to win Alienware Laptop

Would you like a chance to win an awesome Alienware M14x gaming Laptop? If you’re based in Melbourne and know your way around FIFA Euro 2012 then I want to hear from you right now. This Thursday Alienware are holding a media vs media competition where teams of 2 will compete to win 2 x Alienware M14x laptops – That[Read More…]