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Bullistic Unleashed - It's not Angry Birds

Bullistic Unleashed – It’s not Angry Birds

You might know the Angry Birds game as the post popular game in the ‘throw things at other things’ genre, but the recently released App store game “Bullistic Unleaded” developed in Australia by Millipede Creative Development has players throwing something just a bit heavier. The game tasks the player with crushing the local mall, flinging anti-social bulls around huge levels[Read More…]

Google Docs becomes Google Drive

Cloud storage is a great solution for having documents and other files accessible no matter what computer you happen to be using and there are plenty of great options to get your started that are either low or no cost. Microsoft’s Skydrive and DropBox are a couple of popular options, and now Google has updated its Google Documents services to[Read More…]

Sony Seeks out Tech heads

Are you obsessed with finding out about or getting your hands on the latest technology? Well join the club! Actually that’s what Sony want you to do as they are now taking applications for a very exclusive group called ‘Sony X’. Estabtished in 2012, Sony X gives its members the opportunity to hear about or get hands on with products[Read More…]

Computer recycling targeted for increase

Some of the largest brands in Technology have teamed up to combat the amount of household waste generated by old computers and televisions. Members of the Australia and New Zealand Recycling Platform have been tasked to boost the recycling rate for televisions and computers from 17 percent in 2010 or 80 percent by 2022. Some of the IT and TV[Read More…]

Google Movie Rentals

Online movie rental services are everywhere you look online with offerings from Apple, Bigpond, Microsoft, Sony and more…plus now Google. It’s a natural progression for the company that owns YouTube to now offer an online rental service…but how does it differ from the others? Well in terms of price it’s about on par with its competitors with new releases prices[Read More…]