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Make your own Website with Amaya

If you’re creating a website for business and don’t know where you start the best option it to have someone who knows what they are doing create it for you.  It’s may not be cheap, but the outcome will be much better and the process less frustrating. If however you simply want to create a personal website or a perhaps[Read More…]

Parents keep tabs on kids’ Facebook accounts

Parents keep tabs on kids’ Facebook accounts

How can parents know exactly what their teenage kids are up to?  How about by spying on their Facebook account.  Sounds a bit sneaky right?  Well according to the latest digital diaries global study from AVG, that’s exactly what parents are doing. The study has revealed that 42 percent of Australian parents with 14-17 year olds are concerned that their[Read More…]

Cyber-bullying film wins award

A short film about Cyberbullying, produced with the help of school students, has picked up a silver medal at the recent New York International film and television awards. The film, called Tagged, was launched in September last year as part of the government’s 125.8 million dollar cybersafety plan and was produced to help educate young people about cyberbullying, sexting and[Read More…]

Samsung's Shoot and Share Wi-Fi Camera

Samsung’s Shoot and Share Wi-Fi Camera

Sharing photos with others is easy thanks to digital cameras, computers and the Internet…but what if you could share even faster by taking one step out of the process? Well you can, using a Digital Camera with Wi-Fi Connectivity.  The latest from Samsung, the WB150F, uses built in Wi-Fi to automatically transfer your new photos to your computer so you[Read More…]

Samsung NOT behind "Wake Up" Campaign

Samsung NOT behind “Wake Up” Campaign

You may have seen the mysterious ‘Wake Up’ message in advertising or viewed the YouTube video of ‘protesters’ outside an Apple Store in Sydney. While no company has officially claimed responsibility for this guerrilla marketing campgain, Samsung has now stepped forward to announce that it’s NOT them. Here’s the statement just released by Arno Lenior, Marketing Director – Corporate Samsung[Read More…]