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Flashfake trojan causes problems for Mac owners

For the most part Mac users have escaped the woes of computer viruses and other malicious software infections.  It’s not that Mac computers are magically sheilded from net nasties, it’s more a case of Windows based PCs being a far bigger target. Well recently the tables turned with the largest malicious software Mac infection discovered, affecting almost 700 thousand Macs[Read More…]

Tips on Printing from your Tablet device

Tips on Printing from your Tablet device

Tablet computers are capable of doing most of the same tasks that everyday desktop or notebook computers can do, but there’s one in particular that be a bit tricky to work out. Printing. It sounds simple right? But until recently getting a document or image from a tablet device was fiddly to say the least, but arm yourself with a[Read More…]

AVG introduces “Do not track” feature

As users browse the web, it’s commonplace for websites to collect data about what they are doing online.  For example some data collection allows sites to track and follow you online to deliver targeted advertising. Internet users can now take back control of online privacy thanks to the new “Do not track” feature introduced for AVG’s 2012 security products. Using[Read More…]

Help staying on task with free BringFocus App

Today’s computers and operating systems make multitasking easy, but with so many things on the go, it’s possible that you may not finish everything you intend to, so here’s a free download to help you stay on track. BringFocus isn’t about multitasking, instead this free program is designed to help you stay on task and finish one thing at a[Read More…]

Give Facebook a Facelift of your own

Give Facebook a Facelift of your own

If you use Facebook then you may find the amount of ‘tweaks’ and visual overhauls given to the website lately to be a bit annoying and even confusing. The good news is that you can take back control of how Facebook looks thanks to a browswer plug-in called ‘Social Fixer’. This free add-on works with Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera[Read More…]