Recent stories

2TB in your pocket

2TB in your pocket

With the availability and low cost of cloud storage and portable hard drives, there’s almost no excuse for not making a regular backup of your computer. The latest in the My Passport line from Western Digital introduces the world’s first 2 Terrabyte capacity portable hard drive. It weighs around 230 grams, fits in the palm of your hand and with[Read More…]

Amazon's Kindle updates with a Toucscreen

Amazon’s Kindle updates with a Toucscreen

Before tablet computers were popular, the eBook revolution was in full swing and the device that started it all was Amazon’s Kindle. Around the same size as a paperback novel, but thinner, not only was it capable of holding the equivalent of thousands or books worth of text, but the screen didn’t look like a computer screen, it looked just[Read More…]

Keeping your online reputation clean

Keeping your online reputation clean

What does your Facebook profile say about you as a person? If a future employer happened to glance over your profile would it hurt your chances of landing a job? It’s important to remember that every time you write a comment, post a photo…or do anything else online, you’re leaving a your digital footprint which could come back to haunt[Read More…]

NBN Rolls 3-year Roll out plan

When will you have access to the beneifts of the National Broadband Network?  With the entire project expected to take a deade to complete it may sound like the promise of super-fast internet is a light at the end of a very long tunnel, however for over 3.5 million homes it will arrive much sooner. NBN Co recently announced stage[Read More…]

Fujitsu introduces Lifebook PC

Fujitsu introduces Lifebook PC

Fujitsu introduces Lifebook PC Thin, light and fast with plenty of battery life is what’s hot right now in portable computers and you’ll find plenty of them right now in the ‘ultrabook’ category.  However it’s worth noting the Ultrabook label can only be applied to computers that meet hardware and performance criteria set by Intel so you may also find[Read More…]