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Hi-Tech Valentine’s Day Gifts

Now that we’ve finally recovered from the Christmas gift giving season…another occasion is looming where you have another good excuse to buy something for the one you love….Valentine’s Day. Let’s start small and work our way up because it’s not about how much you spend, but the thought that goes into it. The first one is a no-brainer.  Jump on[Read More…]

Personal 3D Viewer from Sony

Personal 3D Viewer from Sony

Sony is taking 3D entertainment to a new level by releasing just annouced a wearable Personal 3D Viewer. Basically once you slip this set of ‘goggles’ on your head you’ll be facing two tiny OLED HD panels which create the equivalent of sitting in front of a 750inch screen. To add to the cinema experience, this personal 3D viewer also[Read More…]

Microsoft gets Social (

Microsoft gets Social (

Microsoft has combined social networking with web searching for an experimental researach project called “Social” at Harnessing the power of Microsoft’s Bing search engine, users can enter a search term and as they find suitable matching content build up a montage of rich visual web content and links, which is then posted for sharing on the “social” website or[Read More…]

Try before you buy Nintendo 3DS games

Try before you buy Nintendo 3DS games

If you own a Nintendo 3DS games system you can now try selected games before you buy. The Nintendo eShop which can be accessed via the 3DS console now offers demo versions of 3DS games with new titles such as Resident Evil Revelations and Cooking Mama 4 now available to download. Also new to the 3DS, the ability to film[Read More…]

Is your PC ‘back to school’ ready?

Shoes…check Uniform…check Lunchbox…check Computer…what? Is your Computer ready to go back to School? This week I spoke with Michael McKinnon – Security Advisor at AVG Australia/NZ about giving your Computer a safety check and tune-up in preparation for the new School year. [audio:|titles=AVG Back to School tips with Michael Mckinnon – Security Advisor]