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Time to Tune up your PC

Time to Tune up your PC

If your computer feels like it’s running a bit slow, here’s a program to get your system running smoothly again. AVG PC Tune up is armed with all the tools needed to clean up your hard drive and fix registry and file problems to help your computer run better. Plus, for those times when you accidentally delete a file, there’s[Read More…]

Wikipedia 24hour 'Blackout'

Wikipedia 24hour ‘Blackout’

The english pages at will be blacked-out as a protest against proposed legislation in the United States – the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senate – that, if passed, would seriously damage the free and open Internet, including Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation board member Kat[Read More…]

Choosing a Computer for Students

Starting another year at school could mean a new computer is on the cards, but what exactly do your kids need and how much should you spend? Well the good news is that you don’t have to break the bank to find a computer system that will meet the needs of your school age kids and Intel has made the[Read More…]

Hunt down duplicate files on your Computer

If your hard drive appears to be filling up fast, it’s probably due for a good clean out and one one quick way to regain space is to check for a clear out any duplicate files, especially if you have a large amount of music, photo and video files. Clone Spy is a free program that can seek out duplicate[Read More…]

Convert Digital Photos into puzzles

Here’s a fun activity you can do with your favourite digital photos…and it’s free. The Jigsaw Lite program can take any digital photo and turn it into a digital puzzle by simply dragging a photo into the program which is automatically broken up into around 50 pieces. Solving the puzzle is exactly the same as a traditional puzzle, only instead[Read More…]