Recent stories

NBN Update – Interview with Tim Smith

Late last year I caught up with Tim Smith, the Marketing General Manager at NBN Co. to discuss the latest activities with the National Broadband Network. As part of a demonstration of the NBN in action, a home in the new estate of Doonside (near Blacktown) in NSW was wired up with many of the technologies that will benefit from[Read More…]

Do you have a 1st Generation iPod Nano lying around?

Do you have a 1st Generation iPod Nano lying around?

Last year Apple announced a replacement program for 1st Generation iPod Nano devices. Apple revealed that due to a battery manufacturing issue, the affected model may post a safety risk so they would replace them free of charge. What they didn’t reveal was what exactly they would send back from the product service centre. Would it be a refurbished model…or[Read More…]

Lockdown - Protect your PC while you’re away

Lockdown – Protect your PC while you’re away

Have you ever walked way from your computer at home or work only to find that someone has quickly stepped in and wrote a cheeky comment posing as you on your Facebook account? It’s usually done in fun, but it does highlight a very real threat to both your identity and personal information. The simple solution to keep both eyes[Read More…]

Bing search is ready to go

Bing search is ready to go

Microsoft’s answer to Google search is Bing and while Bing search has been operational since 2009, it’s only recently come of of it’s beta, or testing phase. Recently I spoke with Stefan Weiz from Bing USA about how can make searching easier. [audio:|titles=Bing_Interview with Stefan Weiz – Senior Director BING USA]

Most Internet Security Savvy City

When it comes to being Internet Security Savvy, a survey reveals that Adelaide residents are at the top of the class while those in Perth are most likely to be digitally duped! The survey by by AVG Australia tested residents of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisband, Adelaide and Perth with a series of 10 questions related to online and mobile security that[Read More…]