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Protect your PC when you step away

Have you ever walked way from your computer at home or work only to find that someone has quickly stepped in and wrote a cheeky comment posing as you on your Facebook account. It’s usually done in fun, but it does highlight a very real threat to both your identity and personal information. The simple solution to keep both eyes[Read More…]

Spring Clean your PC

Spring is a good time to spring clean….which includes computer. A good place to start is your desktop…is it cluttered with saved files, photos, shortcuts to websites or programs or documents that you were too lazy to file away properly? It will only take a few minutes to carefully look at each item then decide what to file, what to[Read More…]

Toyota Races onto Facebook

Toyota Races onto Facebook

While you’re sneaking in a few minutes on Facebook today, here’s a fun racing game you can play. Found on Toyota Australia’s Facebook page, The Social Network racer is an online racing game that cleverly uses your friend’s profiles to create unique tracks for you to race around against the clock. The course is based on your friends ‘likes’ and[Read More…]

Problem-free Video Chat tips

Applications such as Skype or MSN and Yahoo Messenger are perfect for holding a face to face conversation with someone across town or on the other side of the globe, but while they are free to use and easy to operate, having your computer setup correctly can make a big difference to how enjoyable your web video chat will be.[Read More…]

Tetris gets the 3D treatment

Tetris gets the 3D treatment

One of the most globally recognised video games of all time would have to be Tetris. This humble puzzle game that originated from the soviet union in the early 80’s has stood the test of time…and technology. The game has been re-released and re-imagined over various video game platforms over the decades, but the latest Tetris game is has arrived[Read More…]